Rithöfundasamband Íslands (RSÍ) og Centre Intermondes de la Rochelle í samstarfi við Franska sendiráðið á Íslandi og Alliance Française í Reykjavik auglýsa eftir umsóknum um dvöl í dvalarsetrinu Centre Intermondes í einn mánuð í júní 2020. Umsóknir skulu vera á ensku.

Centre Intermondes is an international space of artistic residency dedicated to contemporary creation in all its forms (plastic, digital, musical, literary …).
Since its creation in 2003 by sociologist Jean Duvignaud, nearly 350 artists from around the world have been welcomed.
The Center Intermondes is committed to support these emerging creators in their artistic process by offering work space, material support and professional expertise to support creation, research and mediation.
The Centre Intermondes seeks to encourage and develop international exchanges, with the aim of facilitating contemporary creativity in all forms of artistic expression, and thus to build bridges between cultures to the mutual enrichment of all.
A privileged space for debates and meetings, it connects the resident artists with the various cultural and educational actors in La Rochelle and in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, in order to build joint projects and present their creation to various audiences.